Learning First Language at Home and at School

 Learning First Language at Home and at School

Hello everyone, I am Anatolia and welcome to my blog. 
So now I want to explain about learn the first language at home and at school. 
So what is the first language?  First language is the language a person has learned from birth or the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next or the first language one is taught to speak; one's native language. 

Learning through and maintaining first language can help learning in other languages. Some of the numerous benefits of recognising and using first language to support those who are learning in an additional language include:
  • Seeing and being able to use their first language in the school/class environment can help learners to feel included and accepted as part of the school community.
  • Language is intrinsically linked to learners’ identity and emotional well-being and so the use of the language of the home will help leaners to feel more confident and secure.
  • Learners will be more focused and motivated if learning builds on prior knowledge of language experiences.
  • Learners are likely to already have concepts developed/embedded in first language and if the language content of the curriculum is closely linked to the language in which knowledge is embedded the use of L1 to support EAL learners is an invaluable tool.
First language, mother tongue or home language is the language spoken at home before a child begins school. Research shows that having a strong foundation in a first language makes acquiring a second easier. Children who have a solid foundation in their mother tongue, develop better literacy skills in other languages that they subsequently learn. It is important therefore, that as parents we spend time talking, reading and developing the first language of our children because as research shows bilingual learners’ brains are more flexible -- they store two languages simultaneously. Evidence also now shows that bilingual learners are overall better in academic performance than monolingual learners.
So how you can help at home?
  • Speak in your first language! You are the best model for your child to develop strong vocabulary, proper grammar, and natural communication skills. If one parent’s first language is English, then speak English to your child whilst the other parent speaks his/her first language so that both languages are being developed equally
  • Sing songs, tell stories and share books in your first language
  • Watch TV or movies in your first language and talk about them
  • Talk together in your first language at meal times, family outings, and family celebrations
  • Stay in touch with family and friends by talking together on Skype or writing emails
  • Read first language books and encourage writing in the first language

So guys, thats all from me and see you on the next blog!

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