Aedes Aegypti

Hy guys...
Welcome back to my blog!
So, I want to share you my experience about danger.
 Before that, I want to explain a little about what it is Aedes Aegypti.
Aedes Aegepty is a strain of mosquitoes that can carry the dengue virus that causes dengue fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) is a disease caused by dengue virus infection. It enters the human body by means of Aedes Aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, which live in tropical and subtropical areas.
Aedes aegypti is diurnal or activated in the morning until noon. Disease transmission is carried out by female mosquitoes because only females suck blood. This does so in order to acquire the protein intake needed to produce eggs. Males do not need blood, and they derive energy from the nectar of flowers or plants. It favors dark areas and black or red objects.
When I was in elementary school, I had dengue fever. I feel like I'm losing weight. High heat, sore and aching from the back to the calf, limp body like no strength. But I thought it was because I was exhausted after washing a house bag. After dinner, I would drink paracetamol to kill a fever, then go to bed.
The next morning I was miserable, and I was on my way to a doctor's appointment they derive energy from the nectar of flowers or plants.
So guys, please be careful!
Started now to keep the neighborhood clean that causes the mosquitoes to breed by draining the tub, to ensure that no larvae develop in the air and there are no eggs stuck to the tub wall, close the shelter so that no mosquitoes have access to the place to lay eggs, and burying second-hand items so that they cannot collect rainwater and make mosquito nests lay eggs.
Okay guys, I think that's all.
Thank you and see you on the next blog!

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